What is MBOASU.COM ?

MBAOSU.COM is a portal of services dedicated to the African Diaspora. Mboasu.com enables you to send airtime to your relatives and pay their bill.

How to transfer airtime credit?

Go to the "Order now" menu and start by indicating your relative country, then follow steps by filling all required fields. At the end of the process, you will be directed to the payment page.

How to pay a bill of my relative?

Make sure you have the bill number in your possession. Go to the "Order now" menu and start by selecting your relative country. Then follow steps by filling all required fields.

Which payments options are accepted?

You can pay with your credit card (CB, Visa or Mastercard) or with your verified Paypal account.

How my relative receive airtime?

The airtime is directly loaded into the mobile account of your relative. He has nothing to do.

Within how much time the transfer is done?

The process is rapid and automated. So, only few minutes are required, after the validation of your payment for your relative to receive his topup.

How my relative bill is paid?

Our system is directly connected to the system of the issuer of the bill. We pay it on your behalf so you have nothing to do.

Within how much time the bill payment is done ?
As the same as for topup, the process is quite rapid and takes few minutes. You receive a confirmation email with all details of the transaction and your relative a sms with the receipt..

My verification code is wrong, what can I do?

When you type in your verification code, take care about uppercases and lowercases letters. It's possible that some letters merge with numbers and conversely. If your verification code is illegible, you can request a new one after one hour.

Are there fees to pay?

Yes, there are fees to pay. Those fees are included into the total price, from where the variation with the price converted in local currency.

Can I send a message to my recipient?

Yes, you can freely add a personalized SMS message to your order.

Am I refunded if the credit is not transmitted or the bill not paid ?

Refundings are made individually and only if our responsibility is committed. Moreover, if after checking, it proves that the airtime has correctly be delivered or the bill paid, no refunding could be made.

Why is my order rescheduled ?

Operators limit the number and amount of credit that the same number can receive per day, per week and per month. We do not have control over these limits, it is each operator who manages them and applies them, whether the purchase is made with us or with a competitor. It is only when reloading that our system is informed of the limit. In this situation, it schedules a new reload attempt at a later date and informs you by email.